Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

A Good Boss

Boss is a person that has a big influence almost in all aspect of our daily activity. In our concepts that boss is a person who has freedom asking their slave, and also the best leader and guide. Therefore many people compete to become a boss because they consider that being a boss is a good occupation in over the world, so they use some way and they are brave to struggle just to reach this degree.
Become a boss actually is very easy, but the problem now is how to become a good boss, this one is very difficult to be reached. Everywhere we can become a boss, at least in our family and so on, but being a good boss is rather difficult, it’s not as easy to turn over the palm line. Therefore to become a good boss, there are four rules that should be fulfilled as characteristics of a good boss, namely that boss must has discipline, responsibility, wisdom, and reliable boss. If a boss can fulfills this rules that’s main they are a good boss.
Discipline is characteristic of a good boss, discipline here is how the boss shows good attitude namely discipline. It’s very strange if the slave has good discipline than the boss, even thought proverb said that everything should be started by ourselves and than to the other. The next rule is responsibility. A boss who is given trusteeship, they have to responsible full in doing it, wherever you go and whatever you do no exception to leave our responsibilities. Next rule is a boss has to wise in taking a decision, they could not make one decision because as they want. How very good if they discuss before make a decision. The last rule is reliable, this one is very important and reliable can represent from the three rules above. We can assure that if you are able to become a reliable man, everyone will obey your instruction.
A boss will be remembered in every time whenever they can becomes a good boss. Conclusions that the good something absolutely becomes memento and the same when we are a good boss, therefore we had known that to becomes a good boss there are fours rules that should be fulfilled.

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